Here we were, just about a week old, hanging out with our mom in the woods, when some man decided to make a very loud sound. Our mom fell down and the man took us away.
He gave us to a very nice lady who said we were precious, but she wasn't allowed to keep us. It apparently isn't legal in this state to rehabilitate wild boar and release us back into the wild. So we had to go to a place that could rescue us and find us a permanent human home.
So, we went on a long car ride to meet the people of CLAWS. At first we were tiny and a little bit bratty. As in we SCREAMED every time our new mommy picked us up.
Well, it's been a few weeks now, we've grown a lot and we are runnin' this place! Our mommy says that when we run we sound like a bunch of little horses!
She's got this insane power though! She touches us in one spot on our back and FLOP, we fall over and can't get back up until she finishes rubbing our bellies! Boy do we love belly rubs!
We are more on solid foods now, and getting bigger by the day (though we are still smaller than the tiny dogs here!), so now our new mommy says it's almost time to find our permanent, and forever home.
She gets real sad and picks us up and gives us big hugs when she talks about it. We let her pick us up without screaming now. We kinda feel sorry for her. I mean who thinks its fun to pick up piggies?
We have to go to a place that will keep us penned, hopefully in a LARGE pen, so we can never be feral again.
And after living like "city pigs" for so long, we really would prefer to stay that way!
We don't really want to leave our mommy, but if we have to, then we trust her to find a nice home for us. We just hope she lets them know that when we jump on their leg, we are just playing! And cleaning our snout on their shoes is a sign of love!
And don't tell mommy, but we also hope our new humans learn to rub bellies! We LOVE belly rubs!!!
Well, gotta run a few more laps, then pass out for the night. That's how we are, full speed ahead and drop like a rock!
Only way to be!
Peace all, have a great night!
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