Dear Santa CLAWS,
My name is Rocky and I’m one of many animals who live here at CLAWS, Inc. Since my hands work better than most, I was asked to write a letter to you from all of the animals here at CLAWS.
First, we promise, we have all been very good boys and girls this year (one look at my little face should tell you how sweet I am)! We have educated many, made many laugh and been generally either totally cute or stunningly gorgeous (I am both). So here is the list of things we would like you to consider putting under our tree this year:
- Snugglesafe Heat Pads - these are great gadgets, you put in the microwave and hold heat for 12 hours
- Squeaky toys - don’t tell dad, but we love them
- Chew toys - ones that can withstand the largest of dogs
- Shiny things - this can include rocks from aquariums, old keys, anything shiny that we raccoons can put in water.
- Dog Beds - all sizes
- Tug-o-war toys - foxes love this game!
- Wooden Chew Toys
- Coop Cup beds for like guinea pig sized animals
- Bird Baths - the kind that sit on the ground AND the kind on pedestals, we need both
- Bird Houses - big enough to hold a 5 inch tall owl, and some larger, like for barn owls
- Table Perches - for all sized birds
- Sturdy Leather - always needed for those things the feds say have to be on our legs
- Suet
- Suet holders
- Bat houses
- LOTS of meal worms!!!!!
- Clorox wipes - apparently we are a messy lot
- Paper Towels
- Magic Erasers - mom says they truly are magical!
- Medical supplies - contact mom at mrsclaws@nc-claws.org for a list of these
- Powdered Goats Milk - you can buy this at Harris Teeter, it’s for baby mammals
Rocky Balcoona
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